Thursday Evening

Meet and Greet

Join us for opening ceremonies; where we will introduce our hosts and VIPs for the event.

Jeff Fouts with the US Forest Service will be here with the new 2024 MVUM maps for the Ozark National Forest. Jeff will also be giving us updates on the National Forest as well as doing a question-and-answer session with our guests.

Then be sure to hang out at the main stage and be completely entertained by Espn "Elvis" Daniels.

Espn Daniels is an 18yr old Newton County Native who has been an Elvis impersonator since the age of 3. Espn has entered and won multiple competitions with his amazing Elvis act. Unlike some impersonators, he does not lip sync; but has a great voice. Not only does he sound like a young Elvis but has all the famous Elvis moves down pack.

Closing out Thursday Night. Join us at the main stage for one of our favorite local bands, the 7 South Band

We agree with the way the band likes to describe themselves.... Listening to 7 South Band is like taking a drive down Arkansas' famous Scenic 7 highway. The scenery and heritage along that highway is reminiscent of the music that we play.