Get to know us!!

Kye and Lisa Duet are residents of Newton County, Arkansas. They moved here several years ago from Louisiana, after stumbling upon the beautiful Ozark Mountains while driving on a multi-state vacation. After many more vacations and falling in love with this area, the Duets decided to make the move to Jasper, Arkansas. They have been exploring hiking trails, floating down the Buffalo National River, chasing waterfalls, and 4-wheeling through the Ozarks ever since. Recently, Kye and Lisa have discovered the overlanding movement and have put together their own "rig" to begin exploring the wonders that the outdoors has to offer as overlanders. Lisa drives a 2021 Toyota 4-Runner and Kye drives a 2013 Jeep Wrangler JKU.

The Jasper Jeep Jam and Overlanding Rally was an idea created by Kye. Lisa is the Director of Jasper Advertising and Promotions Commission (JAPC), located in Jasper, Arkansas. One of Lisa's tasks as Director of JAPC is to put on fund raisers for the city. These fundraisers help to pay for several free events throughout the year for the general public. The City of Jasper puts on free concerts, firework displays, tours, and many other community-based events and projects. Kye suggested that Lisa look into using his idea for JAPC to host the overlanding rally and that is how Jasper Jeep Jam and Overlanding Rally's first year started. Lisa, an events coordinator by trade, began to promote, network, and set up this event. Our hope is that the Jasper Jeep Jam and Overlanding Rally will be beneficial to both the overlanding community, while helping to promote the city of Jasper, AR, and be a good fund raiser for our local community.

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Wandering Buffalo Adventures